
Advocacy Opportunity: New State Bills Would Make It Harder for People with Disabilities and Older Adults to Vote

Wisconsin legislators are being asked to support some voting bills that will make it harder for many people with disabilities and older adults to vote. What will these bills do? The bills would:…

WDVC Testimony for Joint Committee Hearing: 2020 General Election Review

On December 11th, the Legislature held a Joint Committee Hearing to review the 2020 General Election.  The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition sent this informational testimony to members of the Assembly and Senate Election Committees. View the Summary
Vote 2020 Presidential Election - the O in Vote is wearing a mask

If you’re a Voter with Disabilities in Wisconsin, Here’s What you Should Know

The coronavirus pandemic has created barriers for many voters, and voters with disabilities are no exception. They make up a sizable portion of the voting population: according to the American Association of People with Disabilities, approximately 23% of the electorate this year…
I voted absentee button with American flag

Request your Absentee Ballot for the August 11 Partisan Primary TODAY!

Request your absentee ballot for the August 11 Partisan Primary TODAY! The August primary may seem far away, but it is not too soon to think about requesting your absentee ballot.  Go to You can request your absentee ballot…
Ballot with checkmark going into box decorated with stars

Next Statewide Election – August 11th Partisan Primary

The next statewide election in Wisconsin is the August 11th Partisan Primary. Offices to be elected will include all US Congressional Representatives; all State Assembly Representatives, State Senators from even numbered districts, and county District Attorneys. You can look up…
Wisconsin map with District 7 highlighted

Voter Registration Deadlines for the May 12 Congressional District 7 Special Election 

The 7th Congressional District Special Election is scheduled for Tuesday, May 12th. This election is to fill a vacancy created by the resignation of Representative Duffy. The candidates on the ballot are Tricia Zunker (Democratic) and Tom Tiffany (Republican). Wisconsin’s…
Signs with American flags and the word Vote

Find Your Municipal Clerk’s Contact Information

In Wisconsin, municipal clerks have a very important role in administering our elections.  Your Municipal clerk can answer your questions about voter registration, absentee voting, curbside ballots and much more. The Disability Vote Coalitions thanks Wisconsin Municipal Clerks for all…