
Vote 2020 Presidential Election - the O in Vote is wearing a mask

If you’re a Voter with Disabilities in Wisconsin, Here’s What you Should Know

The coronavirus pandemic has created barriers for many voters, and voters with disabilities are no exception. They make up a…
fork and knife

Lunch & Learn – Voter Education Series

The voting laws are changing all the time.  Join us for weekly updates on what’s happening, stay on top of…
cell phone with headphones and finger pressing play video button; Disability Vote Coalition logo above

Disability Vote Coalition Voter Training Videos Released

The WI Disability Vote Coalition has released a series of training videos to help support voters with disabilities and service…
Photo ID card

Expanded DMV Access is Good News for Wisconsinites with Disabilities

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will temporarily expand its driver licenses and identification card services…
I vote button with image of State of Wisconsin in US Flag pattern

Your Vote Counts! Webinar

Vision loss should not be a barrier to exercising your right to vote. Vision Forward, Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition, Disability…
Living Well Wednesday and Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition logos

Living Well Wednesday: A Discussion of Guardianship & Voting Rights

Join us for Living Well Wednesday on August 12th at 11 am via Zoom or Facebook Live on the BPDD…
Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition logo

Wisconsin Disability Voting Coalition Voting Policy Recommendations

These recommendations address opportunities to ensure Wisconsin elections are safe, accessible, and inclusive for voters of all abilities.  DVC Policy…
I vote button with image of State of Wisconsin in US Flag pattern

Are you Registered to Vote? If Not, Act Now!

Are you registered to vote?  If not, act now! Registration deadlines for the August 11 election are as follows. BY…
Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition logo

WDVC Submits Public Comments to the Wisconsin Election Commission

The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition provided public comments to inform Wisconsin Election Commissioners (WEC) at their June 10th meeting.  Barbara…
I voted absentee button with American flag

Request your Absentee Ballot for the August 11 Partisan Primary TODAY!

Request your absentee ballot for the August 11 Partisan Primary TODAY! The August primary may seem far away, but it…
Ballot with checkmark going into box decorated with stars

Next Statewide Election – August 11th Partisan Primary

The next statewide election in Wisconsin is the August 11th Partisan Primary. Offices to be elected will include all US…
Wisconsin map with District 7 highlighted

Voting and COVID-19: Congressional District 7 Special Election News

Join us on April 28, 2020 at 1 pm via Zoom for Voting and COVID-19: Congressional District 7 Special Election…
Wisconsin map with District 7 highlighted

Voter Registration Deadlines for the May 12 Congressional District 7 Special Election 

The 7th Congressional District Special Election is scheduled for Tuesday, May 12th. This election is to fill a vacancy created…
I vote button with image of State of Wisconsin in US Flag pattern

Disability Vote Coalition Voter Accessibility Survey – April 2020

The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition is conducting this survey to learn from voters with disabilities and their allies about the…
I voted absentee button with American flag

New Video: How to Request an Absentee Ballot

The Wisconsin Elections Commission and the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition highly recommend that people vote absentee for the April 7th…
I voted absentee button with American flag

Voting Absentee for the April 7th Election

Because of concerns about COVID-19, the Wisconsin Election Commission is encouraging Wisconsin voters to vote early.  Any Wisconsin voter who…
United States Census 2020 logo

Census News from the Disability Vote Coalition

The #2020 Census Counts: Be counted! This month, most households will receive an invitation in the mail to respond to…
Gavel resting on sounding block

Wisconsin Appeals Court Rules Voters Targeted for Purge will Remain on the Rolls

On Friday February 28th, a Wisconsin appeals court struck down an Ozaukee County judge’s ruling that thousands of people had…
young woman talking in video

NEW Wisconsin Youth Voices on Voting Videos

The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition is proud to introduce two NEW voting videos by youth and young adults with disabilities…
I vote button with image of State of Wisconsin in US Flag pattern

Tuesday February 18th Spring Primary Election

February 18th is a primary election for Wisconsin State Supreme Court, and for local races such as Circuit Court Judge,…
Sticker showing Wisconsin, I Vote, Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition,

Voter Purge Letter

Who received the voter purge letter? State lawmakers, a cabinet secretary and a former UW chancellor.  Read this update regarding…
Gavel resting on sounding block

Supreme Court Candidate Forum – Wisconsin Eye

On January 30, 2020, the Milwaukee Bar Association hosted a Supreme Court candidate forum moderated by WisconsinEye senior producer Steve…
Scales of Justice

Wisconsin’s Supreme Court candidates’ opinions on past cases show their views

Here is a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article on the views of the candidates running for Wisconsin Supreme Court:  Wisconsin’s Supreme…
County executive forum candidates sitting at table in front of audience

DVC Milwaukee County Executive Candidate Forum Materials

The following materials are now available from the 2020 Milwaukee County Executive Candidate Forum that was held at IndependenceFirst on…
Closeup of the word "News" in an old typewriter

News from the Wisconsin Election Commission re Milwaukee County Executive Candidates

Read the news story from the Wisconsin Elections Commission regarding recent decisions made about Milwaukee County Executive Candidates: Three Decisions…
United States Census 2020 logo

An Accessible 2020 Census – FAQ by disability community

A fair and accurate decennial census is crucial for people with disabilities—and, indeed, for every person in the United States….
round button with red white and blue that says register to vote

Judge orders state to remove over 200,000 people from Wisconsin’s voter rolls

On Friday, an Ozaukee County judge ordered the state to remove over 200,000 people from Wisconsin’s voter rolls. These are…
A voter using an accessible voting machine

New Videos on Serving as a Poll Worker

The Disability Vote Coalition has a new video to encourage voters with disabilities to consider serving as a poll worker,…
Denise Johnson testifying

Disability Vote Coalition Commends Signing of AB-168

The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition applauds Governor Evers who today will sign into law AB-168 which will address a barrier…
Bill Crowley in his wheelchair using an accessible voting machine

Wisconsin Voters with Disabilities Face a Variety of Barriers

The last state report on accessibility barriers, in 2015, found most audited polling places had problems. State law requires such…
Signs with American flags and the word Vote

Disability advocates applaud bill to remove barriers for voters, continue to seek accountability

Disability rights advocates are applauding a new law to removing barriers for voters with disabilities but said work to expand…

What challenges voters with disabilities face and what needs to be done to fix them

The Rockland/Westchester Journal recently published an article about challenges for voters with disabilities.  Read the article on their website: What…
Map of boundaries of Wisconsin 7th Congressional District

Special Election for 7th Congressional District

Do you live in the 7th Congressional District in Northwestern and Central Wisconsin? A special election will be held to…
Representative Zimmerman and Ramsey Lee smiling for camera

Wisconsin State Senate passes AB 168/ SB 246

On October 8, the Wisconsin State Senate passed AB 168/ SB 246 relating to the requirement for stating name and…
SABE Govoter Project logo

SABE 2018 Voter Experience Survey Results

SABE (Self Advocates Becoming Empowered) works with Protection and Advocacy agencies, including Disability Rights Wisconsin, to survey voters with disabilities…
Pen marking a ballot

Voters With Disabilities Feel Left Behind by Paper Ballot Push

Voters With Disabilities Feel Left Behind by Paper Ballot Push, published by Stateline, an initiative of The Pew Charitable Trusts….
Presenters at WAD Conference speaking on stage with video in background

DVC Voter Registration Video premieres at WAD Annual Conference

Our new video on Voter Registration premiered Saturday night at the Wisconsin Association of the Deaf Annual (WAD) Conference. The…
Representative Zimmerman and Ramsey Lee smiling for camera

AB 168 Passes Full Wisconsin Assembly Unanimously

Today the Assembly unanimously passed AB 168 which will require an accommodation for voters who are unable to speak their…
Election worker sitting at table, showing voter where to sign in

Have You Considered Serving as a Poll Worker?

Have you considered serving as a poll worker? A friendly, knowledgeable poll worker can make the difference for a voter…
group meeting with message bubbles

Public Hearing on Senate Bill 246

Today the Senate Committee on Elections, Ethics and Rural Issues is holding a public hearing that will include Senate Bill…
Ramsey Lee testifies in hearing room while a woman holds his microphone.

AB 168 Passes Wisconsin Assembly Committee Unanimously

On May 29th, AB 168 was passed unanimously by the Wisconsin Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections. The Disability Vote…

Assembly Holding Public Hearing on AB 168

The Assembly Committee on Campaign and Elections is holding a Public Hearing Tuesday, April 23rd at 12 noon at the…
Pen marking a ballot

Special Election in Assembly District 64 (parts of Racine and Kenosha Counties)

On April 30th, voters in Assembly District 64 in parts of Kenosha and Racine counties will vote in a special…
Two women sitting at outreach table labeled "Voting Information - LWV", helping a visitor

League of Women Voters and DVC team Up at Disability Advocacy Day

Thanks to the Dane County League of Women Voters for teaming up with Disability Vote Coalition to host two voting…

Candidate Forum at Milwaukee Bar Association

The Milwaukee Bar Association (MBA) is hosting a moderated forum to provide the Milwaukee community an opportunity to learn more…
Clipboard sitting in open envelope

Report for 2018 National Voter Registration Day Released

The 2018 report for National Voter Registration Day has been released, and the news is big!! In 2018, National Voter…
Silhouette of Capitol with an envelope in the foreground

DRW Comments to Wisconsin Election Commission

The Wisconsin Election Commission met in Madison on December 3rd, 2018, and provided an opportunity for members of the public…
Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition logo

WisEye Election Preview with Voter Advocacy Groups

On October 18, 2018, WisEye Senior Producer Steve Walters sat down with voter advocacy groups to preview the November election….
Sticker showing Wisconsin, I Vote, Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition,

DVC on Wisconsin Public Radio

Barbara Beckert and Denise Jess represented the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition on the Wisconsin Public Radio morning show. If you…
A woman in a wheelchair next to a sign that says "Vote here"

Release of “Know Your Rights” Video

We are excited to share with you our new video called “Know Your Rights,” which highlights the rights of voters…

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