DVC Milwaukee County Executive Candidate Forum Materials

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County executive forum candidates sitting at table in front of audience

The following materials are now available from the 2020 Milwaukee County Executive Candidate Forum that was held at IndependenceFirst on January 14th, 2020.

Note: All materials listed below are accessible pdf files.

Forum Agenda
Forum Powerpoint
Read more about the participating candidates.

UPDATE: Milwaukee County Executive Candidates on the Ballot for February 18th Election

Milwaukee County Executive Candidate Purnima Nath also was in attendance at the forum.  Her information is available Facebook and her website: https://nathpurnima.com/.

Note: Invitations to participate in the forum were emailed to the nine candidates listed on the Milwaukee County 2020 Spring Candidates list as having filed a Campaign Registration Statement with a timeline to confirm their participation. We received confirmations from the five candidates listed in this document and participated in the forum.

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