National Disability Voter Registration Week: Service Providers Webinar

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Join the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition and our partners for our National Disability Voter Registration Week webinar for service providers. We will share guidance and resources to help you support those you serve with voter registration, and obtaining photo ID.

Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy, but many people with disabilities and older adults experience barriers to casting a ballot.  Service providers, such as Aging and Disability Resource Centers, HMOs, IRIS agencies, long-term care staff, DVR staff, other employment staff, and mental health and human services providers, can make a big difference by assisting with voter registration.

The webinar was hosted via Zoom on September 17th from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. Watch the recorded webinar here.

Service Providers Webinar Resources

What is National Disability Voter Registration Week?

Every year, the REV UP Campaign coordinates National Disability Voter Registration Week (NDVRW) to increase the political power of people with disabilities by sharing resources and getting folks registered to vote. This year, NDVRW is September 13-20, 2021. In the last election, an estimated 38 million people with disabilities were eligible to vote, and we invite state and local organizations to participate in NDVRW in order to continue raise the disability voice and civic participation across the country in 2021 and beyond!

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