Disability Rights and Voting: A Briefing for Policymakers

group meeting with message bubbles

The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition and our co-sponsors are hosting a Zoom briefing: Disability Rights and Voting: A Briefing for Policymakers and Election Officials.

WHEN:  Monday, April 12, 2021, 12 noon – 1 PM

WHERE: Register for this Zoom webinar at disabilityvote.org/april12briefing.

WHO: Legislators, staff, WEC, Municipal clerks, media

This briefing will address the barriers experienced by voters with disabilities and older adults, and discuss the federal and state laws and policies that protect voter rights, and support accessible and inclusive elections. As policymakers and election officials consider changes to Wisconsin voting laws and policies, it is important that they safeguard the rights of voters with disabilities including the current protections in federal and state law.

For additional information including a list of speakers and co-sponsors, see this release with briefing information (accessible PDF).

Briefing Materials

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