Resources for Voting and Care Facilities

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Voting in Care Facilities for the April 2021 Election

The Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) recently met to discuss care facility voting for the April 6, 2021 Spring Election.  Care facilities include nursing homes, group homes, Adult Family Homes, and some other congregate living settings.

WEC  determined that changes in COVID-19 and vaccination rates will allow for Special Voting Deputies (SVDs) to administer voting in some facilities.  Municipal clerks will contact each facility normally served by SVDs to discuss visitation policies with staff to determine if SVD voting will be possible.  The WEC has recorded a webinar to explain this process and created reference materials that explain the by-mail absentee voting options and procedures for care facility residents and staff if visitation is still not allowed.  They can be found at the following links:

  1. Informational webinar:
  2. Voting Information Packet:

These resources are designed for residents and service providers in residential care facilities seeking information on voting rights and on the process.

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