Statement: Voting Rights of Wisconsin Care Facility Residents


The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition on April 11 issued a statement regarding voting rights of Wisconsin residents in care facilities.

Read the full accessible statement here (PDF).

For Immediate Release: April 11, 2024

Contact: Lisa Hassenstab,, 608-308-2639

In Wisconsin, approximately 17,500 individuals reside in nursing homes [1]; thousands more reside in adult family homes (AFHs), community-based residential facilities (CBRFs), and residential care apartment complexes (RCACs). The voting rights of these residents are no different than any other Wisconsinite: every person eligible to vote in Wisconsin, regardless of their living situation, maintains that eligibility unless a court determines they are not legally competent and removes their right to vote.

[1] Total Number of Residents in Certified Nursing Facilities by KFF

The reasons people live in care facilities are varied: some people are in facilities for a few days or weeks after being discharged from a hospital or for rehabilitation, while others may live in a care facility for many years. Some are there because they have care needs that cannot be met in a different setting, and some individuals are forced prematurely to reside in a nursing home or other facility because of a lack of available care or affordable or appropriate housing opportunities in the community. Regardless of the reason for or length of stay in a care facility, the voting rights of these residents are retained unless a court determines otherwise.

Affirming and supporting the voting rights of care facility residents is a priority for the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition, and we welcome the opportunity to provide education and support to individuals, families, communities, and organizations – including care facilities – across the state regarding these issues.

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