Guardianship and Voting Resources

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This page includes information on:

  1. the basics about guardianship and voting.
  2. how to keep the right to vote in a guardianship case.
  3. how to get the right to vote back if lost in a guardianship case.
  4. additional resources.

The Basics about Guardianship and Voting

How to Keep the Right to Vote in a Guardianship Case

How to Get Your Right to Vote Back

In Wisconsin, people under guardianship retain the right to vote unless the court expressly removes that right. These resources explain how to determine if you have the retained or lost the right to vote, and, if you have lost the right to vote, how to petition the court to restore your right to vote.

Additional Resources



Guardianship and Voting: Preserving and Restoring the Right to Vote Training

Guardianship and Voting Resources for Attorneys

For resources on voting rights of proposed wards and wards for attorneys serving as GALs or advocate counsel in guardianship cases, Disability Rights Wisconsin (DRW) has a resource page on this topic.

Disability Rights Wisconsin Voter Hotline

Wisconsin Guardianship Support Center (GWAAR)

List of Registers in Probate

View the Registers in Probate Directory here.

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