Rev Up for the November 8th Election: October 17th Zoom Training

Are you ready to Vote? in red, white and blue with pen hovering

The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition Invites You to:

Rev Up for the November 8th Election: October 17th Zoom Training

Join the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition on October 17th at 1:30 on Zoom to get the latest on voting in Wisconsin. Make sure you are prepared for the November 8th Election. You will learn about recent changes to voting law and absentee voting.

Event Information

We will cover what you need to know to vote in the November 8 midterm election:

  • Important deadlines for the election
  • Voter registration and photo ID
  • Voting by mail (absentee voting) including recent changes to voting law:
    • Ballot return assistance changes
    • Changes to completing and returning your absentee ballot
  • Voter rights and accommodations
  • What’s on the ballot and how to be an informed voter


ASL interpreters will be available.  To request other disability related accommodations, please email

Training Materials

Voting questions?


Guidance on Ballot Return Assistance

Disability Rights Wisconsin (DRW) has guidance for voters who need assistance mailing or returning their absentee ballot: Absentee Ballot Return Assistance for the Nov 8th Election

Wisconsin Election Commission Guidance on Absentee Ballot Return Options under the Federal Voting Rights Act: Guidance on Absentee Ballot Return Options Under the Federal Voting Rights Act

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