Press Briefing: Disability Vote Coalition Speaks Out on Voting Bills

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Event Information

View the recording of the June 9th press briefing below:

WHAT: Briefing for the media regarding the impact on voters with disabilities and older adults of voting bills advancing in the State Legislature this week.

WHEN: Wednesday, June 9, 2021, 9 AM via Zoom

WHERE: Register here for this Zoom event.

WHO: This briefing will feature Wisconsin voters with disabilities, discussing how bills being voted on in the Legislature June 9th will create new barriers and make it harder for indefinitely confined voters and for nursing home and group home residents to vote. We will also share highlights of our recent survey regarding the bills. The Disability Vote Coalition calls on policymakers to oppose these new barriers and safeguard the rights of voters with disabilities. We stand ready to work with policymakers to ensure our elections are accessible and inclusive of voters of all abilities.

View the briefing document for this event here (accessible pdf).

The following voters will share their perspective:

  • Cindy Bentley, Glendale
  • Dee Her, Sun Prairie
  • Adam Sharp, West Bend
  • Noreen Holmes, La Crosse

Moderated by:

  • Jenny Neugart, Wisconsin BPDD, WI Disability Vote Coalition
  • Barbara Beckert, Disability Rights Wisconsin, Wi Disability Vote Coalition

Briefing Materials

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