June 2nd Event: Report Addresses Barriers to Obtaining Photo ID for Voting

Photo ID card

Join us June 2nd at 1 PM on Zoom to hear about our new report:  Getting There is Half the Battle: Wisconsin’s Photo ID Law, Access to DMV Services, and the Fight for Our Freedom to Vote. 

Infographic for Wisconsin Photo ID Law Report Event, featuring two driver's licenses stacked on top of each other; text details are described in the post.

All Voting is Local, the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition and the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, will host a discussion on how barriers to obtaining photo ID at the Division of Motor Vehicles DMV service centers impact our freedom to vote.  DMV is the primary place where Wisconsin voters can obtain a photo ID to vote. These barriers disproportionately impact people with disabilities, older adults and Wisconsinites of color.

When: Wednesday, June 2 from 1 – 2 p.m. CDT


  • Shauntay Nelson, All Voting is Local, Wisconsin State Director
  • Eileen Newcomer, League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, Voter Education Manager
  • Barbara Beckert, Disability Rights Wisconsin, Milwaukee Office Director
  • Alex Corona, Milwaukee LGBT Community Center, Transgender Program Coordinator

Register at: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YSOU0ULZSNCurkFLk9yCUg


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