- Bring It to the Ballot (Information about Wisconsin Photo ID)
- Common Cause Wisconsin, Voting & Elections
- Disability Rights Wisconsin, voter hotline: 844-DIS-VOTE / 844-347-8683
- League of Women Voters of Wisconsin (learn more about candidate issues, request assistance or outreach)
- MyVote Wisconsin (register to vote, check your voter registration status, find your polling place, see what’s on your ballot, request an absentee ballot and check provisional ballot status)
- Vote411 (help with unbiased candidate information)
- Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), DMV Voter ID Hotline: 844-588-1069
- Wisconsin Election Commission, Toll-Free Voter Help Line: 1-866-VOTE-WIS
Wisconsin-Specific Voting Resources
Category: External Resources, Resources
Posted: July 24, 2019