A Conversation About Voting Equity for Voters with Disabilities

Event image, with the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition and the Big Share Logo. Text states "A Conversation about Voting Equity for People with Disabilities; Tuesday, March 1, from 2-3pm."

Voting Equity for Voters with Disabilities will be the focus of a Facebook Live event on March 1 at 2 PM, as part of The Big Share, an all-day online fundraising event orchestrated by Community Shares of Wisconsin (CSW). All 3 organizations are CSW members and work collaboratively to reduce barriers to voting for people with all disabilities through the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition.

The March 1st event will feature Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition partners, including Barbara Beckert of Disability Rights Wisconsin, Denise Jess of Wisconsin Council of the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Eileen Newcomer of League of Women Voters of Wisconsin. They will discuss the work of the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition to reduce barriers to voting for people with all disabilities. This conversation will be moderated by former Wisconsin Public Radio host Joy Cardin.

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