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Advocacy Training from the Disability Vote Coalition
The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition is a non-partisan effort to help ensure full participation in the electoral process of voters with disabilities.

National Voter Registration Day is September 28th. It’s a great opportunity to make sure you are registered to vote, or to support others to do so. To help you get started, check out the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition Voter Registration Resources Toolkit. Find everything that you need to understand how to register, how to help others with registration, what documents you will need to register, and more.

Our toolkit has a special section for service providers with resources about voter registration and photo ID for voting, as well as a video of our September webinar for service providers.

2022 is an important election year with 4 statewide elections. Take action now to register, or re-register if you have moved.
Supporting Voting Rights of Group Home Residents
Residents of group homes are often isolated and may need support to register to vote and/or to obtain photo ID. The Disability Vote Coalition is seeking group homes that would be interested in partnering with us to support your residents with voting. We will provide training and support for staff and your residents.
  • We’d like to identify some groups homes to work with. If your agency is interested in more information, please email us at info@disabilityvote.org or call 844-347-8683.
  • We want to talk with some group home residents to get your ideas on how our coalition can help to support voting rights for group home residents. If you live in a group home, and would like to help, please call us at 844-347-8683.
Poll Workers Needed
Have you considered serving as a poll worker? A friendly, knowledgeable poll worker can make the difference for a voter trying to make their voice heard at the polls. If we have more poll workers who have a disability, it may help our polling places to be more accessible and disability informed. We put together this video, featuring some of our coalition members who serve as poll workers:
Find more information about serving as a poll worker. The Wisconsin Election Commission provides some tips on the responsibilities of an Election Day Poll Worker (or “Election Inspector” as the position is formally called):

If you want to learn more about being a poll worker, contact your municipal clerk and let them know you are interested. You can search for your Clerk’s contact information on the MyVote Wisconsin website.
The Education and Outreach Subcommittee Needs You
Our Coalition Education and Outreach Subcommittee is looking for people with a passion for voting to join the subcommittee. We meet once a month for an hour. Activities the committee is working on include:
  • Engaging youth in transition in the voting process (develop on demand training, develop parent to parent video on why it’s important their child can vote, pilot program with up to 5 schools to reach transition students.
  • Creating a platform for voters with disabilities to tell their stories.
  • Develop a partnership with the Clerk’s Association and the Town’s Association to develop an initiative for disability groups to partner with their local clerks.
  • Encouraging people with disabilities to become poll workers.
If interested, contact Jenny at jennifer.neugart@wisconsin.gov
Help is available! Contact these resources:
  • DMV Voter ID Hotline: (844) 588-1069. Apply for a free Photo ID for voting at the Wisconsin Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
  • Vote411.org and ballotpedia.org: nonpartisan information about the candidates
My Vote Wisconsin logo
The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition is a project of Disability Rights Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities.
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