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Special ADA Anniversary Issue - Voting News from the Disability Vote Coalition
The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition is a non-partisan effort to help ensure full participation in the electoral process of voters with disabilities.

Check out our resources at disabilityvote.org/ and follow us on Facebook
Honor the ADA’s 31st Anniversary

The 31st anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is today, July 26th. The ADA was signed into law by President George H.W. Bush in 1990, and is one of America’s most comprehensive pieces of civil rights legislation. Title II of the ADA requires state and local governments to ensure that people with disabilities have a full and equal opportunity to vote.

Today, the Disability Vote Coalition is pleased to release Voting Rights Are Human Rights: In Our Own Voices. These stories show the many concerns people with disabilities and their allies have about the voting bills that the legislature recently passed.

As we observe the 31st Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, let’s celebrate the significant progress made in advancing the rights of people with disabilities but recognize we still have a long way to go to fulfill the promise of the ADA, including ensuring our elections are accessible and inclusive of people of all abilities. We invite you to join us in advocating for fair access to the polls – like and share Voting Rights Are Human Rights: In Our Own Voices (the Facebook post below).
Celebrate the ADA on Social Media

The Disability Vote Coalition has created a special Facebook frame to celebrate the anniversary of the ADA. Our message is: “Honor the ADA – Protect Voter Rights.” Show your support by changing your frame today. Here’s how to do it:
  • Click on your current profile photo and select “update.”
  • You will now see an option to upload a new photo or add a frame.
  • Click on “Add a Frame.”
  • In the search bar, type “DVC ADA Frame”
Celebrate the ADA 31st Virtually!
Celebrate the ADA by joining the AAPD Virtual ADA Celebration on Tuesday July 27th at 7 Pm Eastern. Registration is required. For more information and to register: 2021 ADA Celebration Tickets, Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 7:00 PM | Eventbrite
Check Out Our ADA Resources!
Learn more about the Americans with Disabilities Act by exploring the resources below:
The Disability Vote Coalition Needs You!

The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition wants to work with you to protect voting rights for people with disabilities and improve the accessibility of our elections.

We are especially interested in partners who can help us to reach people with disabilities who may be isolated, such as people who live in group homes, have difficulty leaving their home, or have other barriers.

We welcome your input and partnership as we update our action plan for 2021 – 2022.
  • We can schedule a time to talk with you or email your ideas to info@disabilityvote.org or call the DRW Voter Hotline at 1-844-347-8683.
  • Volunteers are needed to serve on Disability Vote Coalition subcommittees. We invite you to join us!
Help is available! Contact these resources:
  • DMV Voter ID Hotline: (844) 588-1069. Apply for a free Photo ID for voting at the Wisconsin Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition is a project of Disability Rights Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities.
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